Our People Say:
Eng: As you worship plantain, remember to worship banana as well. - Ghanaian Proverb.
I am a happy soul.
I found love...
...within myself. This one was easy and it took much less time than it took to learn how to tie shoelaces.
I found love, again...
...in the midst of the simplest names - Passion, Bethlehem, Heaven. The complicated ones - Chikaodinaka, Amenawon, Aituariagbon. That a man and a woman or their child's uncle's mother-in-law saw a future and called the child that future.
I found love, again...
...in my salvation.
I found love, again...
...when the ground screamed in loneliness and tore it's chapped skin. And the sky heard it and sent down wet kisses.
I found love, again...
...in between the pages of books. That someone sat down and wrote down their story or one that they wished belonged to them or one that they wished they never had. And myself, my very own first lover, chose to be a part of this gift.
I found love again...
...within every stanza of a good song or a good poem. A good poem soaked my eyes and a good song warmed my heart - or froze it. And the black and white keys or the brown strings that played this good song.
I found love again...
...not very much in their vows at the altar but after a warm night dinner to her grown daughter; 'find a man like your father' or to his son; 'find a woman like your mother'.
I found love again...
...in my mother's cooking and my father's 'cooking'.
I found love again...
...in pieces of ankara and how the patterns always made sense.
I found love again...
...after my wardrobe went empty and no one knew where things went. But the next day at church, my sister had familiar clothes on her back.
I found love again...
...at least, before I turned forty.
I found love again...
...in bleeding. The worst I could do to it was divert its flow.
I found love again...
...in answers to my questions.
I found love again...
...in memories.
This is one of the reasons I wear t-shirts - to share a message or something I love.
Have a blessed weekend,